Every Hero Needs A Sidekick

You know what I love about us writers? We tend to tell the same little white lie, from which we will get very defensive when caught in it. Here goes… “I’m currently writing a novel.” Said the writer for three years. 🙂 When in reality... Yea, we all know what the real “writing” you’re doing [...]

The Taunting Painting In Our Minds

Let’s say you have this scene stuck floating around in your head. The characters are clear and present, the words are all so perfectly expressed, the setting and placement of the scene is so exquisitely created all in your mind. You can see it. It fits like a sock in your story. Ah, what beauty you [...]

Do you read?

So the Panthers lost last night, as assumed, due to the fact that Manning might have played his last game and everyone loves Peyton (typical sore loss during a rather boring game, good nonetheless!). But on a high note we all were encouraged to believe in love with Coldplay, to wear mismatched shoes like Lady [...]

Comfort Genres

Genres. Ah, we all have one that we love, one that we cannot stand, one we wish we could write and one that we feel most comfortable writing. The unofficial rule of writing what you know can be bent, and it is all the time. I mean, look at fantasy novels. Even some science fiction [...]

Writing Video Games?

Video Games. You know how you try the first time and die, then you try again and die. Then the next time you instantly try again. You take that few moments to compose your frustration and likely dangerous anger towards the game and whatever is keeping you from winning. After that you try countless times [...]

Opening the heart of writing

Welcome back readers, and a welcome back to myself. As you can see I have made some adjustments to my blog, such as the name all together! Welcome to Creator’s Hammock! Why that name? Well as writers we are creators, and a hammock, as I hope you made the connection, is a symbol of a [...]

Know More than you Show

Hello all! Two posts in one week? Yes! Most of my inspired posts will come out literally hours after I have written them, but these generic posts about whatever it is I am talking about related to whatever it is I am in the mood of talking about, is still posted Tuesday mornings. (; I [...]

Writers NEED Therapists

Do not hesitate to talk to someone about your ideas. Let your thoughts spill out your mouth so they can run smoothly through your mind. Just remember, only you know how to tie everything together. Not only have I been through the process of regaining the spark in writing my novel, Juliet, but I have [...]